
At MK Sheet Metal Ltd., we specialize in providing tailored HVAC solutions that stand the test of time. With our combination of expertise, cutting-edge technology, and unwavering commitment to quality, we offer a suite of services designed to ensure optimal comfort and efficiency for every space.

  • Rooftop Units
  • Exhaust Fans
  • Make-Up Air Unit
  • Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Hoods
  • Variable Air Volume Boxes

  • Air Handling Units

  • Air Curtains

  • Fume Hoods

  • Re-Heat Coils

  • Custom Ductwork

  • HRV/ERV’s

  • Grilles, Registers, and Diffusers


Commercial Services

Customized Rooftop Units

We ensure optimal temperature regulation with our high-performance rooftop units ensuring spaces remain comfortable year-round.

Advanced Exhaust Systems

We enhance indoor air quality, ensuring a safe and breathable environment from commercial kitchens to laboratories.

Make-Up Air Solutions

We balance indoor air pressure and compensate for exhaust systems by introducing fresh air from outside.


Top-Tier Fume Hoods

We ensure safety in laboratories and industrial spaces by efficiently removing hazardous fumes, vapors, and dust.


104 Chaparral Valley Terrace SE, Calgary AB, T2X 0M1


(403) 850-6604